The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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Rapper's Delight was a hit single by the hip-hop band The Sugarhill Gang. Often credited with being the first hit hip hop single.

TPBM is more of a Gangsta Rap fan.
Miracle Of Kall Valley happened right in the middle of heavy fighting during Operation Market Garden (I think), it was so many wounded lying around, both Allied and German, in the Hürtgen Forest and the Kall Valley, which nobody could get to, without getting wounded or killed themself. A German Dr, Dr.Med. Günter Stüttgen, decided to walk up to the Americans with a white flag and as he put it a "technical solution" where he offered to give medical aid to the American wounded soldiers at the same time as they gave it to their own, he managed to negotiate an unofficial ceasefire with the Americans at the Kall Bridge from November 7 to 12, in order to attend to the wounded of both sides. The lives of many American soldiers were saved by German paramedics, they were from the 1055 Inf Reg. This is something that GI's still talk about today....

This is if my memory serves me correct.

TPBM will tell me if I remember correct or not....

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