The Person Below Me (TPBM) (1 Viewer)

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Nope, no dilemma here: Deer steak with brown mushroom sauce, cranberry jelly, fresh boiled potatoes with melting butter on top, and vegetables of the season. *drools*

TPBM will tell us what car he/she owns.
Not sure what you mean, but I enjoy reading about the Pacific campaign. I like to read about the island hopping and the
naval battles.

TPBM is more into the War in Europe....

Somewhat, I have been reading mostly about the Eastern front and the Pacific. But, I have just bought some books about the West front, but know more about the eastern front like TPBM..
Nope, really into the Dutch struggle. It keeps sparking my interest, as I can see the remains of those 5 days all around me. I am of course also interested in the whole WWII story and have read about most of the battles. But not in depth on all of them. Especially PTO is relatively unknown to me (apart from the NEI). Still the 5 days war is my main interest.

TPBM is mainly interested in the MTO mostly into the danish history (- danish resistance to the german occupation, general danish WW2 history, and danish police history) regarding WW2, plus the german airforce during WW2, currently focused on Adolf Galland, but BoB and D-Day is interesting to me too.

TPBM knows a lot about the american P51 Mustang.

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