The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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THE WAR AND PEACE SHOW is on in Kent which is 30 miles from me so I will probably to go there, 3000 vehicles and 10,000 enthusiasts should make it a sight worth seeing I'll have to charge up the camera batts. the wife is off to Bodrum castle with the historical society so I have free rein for the day.

Is an ancient history enthusiast
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If you by "Mid-Evil" mean the period of time between the peace after WWI and the peace after WW2, then yes. ;)
Otherwise, no.

TPBM smokes.
Depends, I see the holiday/vacation as a time to chill and relax, not to fanny about like a Meerkat on speed, trying to do as much as possible in the shortest amount of time, get enough of that during the rest of the working year...

TPBM agrees...
Same work time, same work channel..................and the monotony continues. That's a yes by the way.

TPBM...........will make his final post of the day/night on this thread.
Geoffrey Wellum: First Light.

Review by Clare Mollison from Leith, found on the web

This is an engaging first hand account of Geoffrey Wellum's experience in the RAF during the Second World War, particularly during the Battle of Britain in 1940/41.
Wellum's informal and detailed account of his experience is accessible and entertaining. I found this an enlightening and surprising account of an angle of WW2 which was new to me.
Wellum's style and tone are pleasant and at times gripping, and he succeeds in bringing the activities of more than 60 years ago close to the present.
It contains moving memories of airmen who were killed in action, and vividly catalogues his growing up from raw schoolboy to mature soldier and pilot.

While not making light of war, it is not a bleak book and will be of interest to those who would not normally read about the war or air craft. It comes across as an honest account of what Wellum felt at the time, naive in places but naturally so and accurately portraying the risks, pressure, exhilaration that young airmen felt.

I would recommend this book to other readers - perhaps giving it 7/10.


TPBM will tell us what book he/she read recently.
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