The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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Not yet, been pretty mild aournd here the last month. Ask me again in February/March though!

TPBM uses a motorized snowblower to clear thier driveway of snow and likes to blow thier snow into the crabby neighbors driveway
Don't usually get enough snow here in Va. Beach to warrant the expense of a snow-blower. I bought a show shovel
three years ago, and it's still a virgin.

TPBM knows the new designation for the U-2 spyplane...

Nope, I dispise all shopping. I tend to only set foot into a store if I know exactly what I am going in for. Only three stores I can go into and look aroud are the Hobby Shop, the Traditional Archery Store I pick up bows and other goodies from, and the Guitar/Music store so I can look at all the pretty right handed Guitars I can't play due to being a Southpaw.

TPBM is a Southpaw as well.
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Not really, though I used to really enjoy watching my left-handed brother shoot his right-handed autoloading rifle, parking the hot brass in his pocket!

TPBM knows what I am talking about.
Yep, shoot a right handed auto all the time. Shotguns as well, never had much of a problem though. The M1 Garand si the only one that I have to watch out for, after that last bullet is fired and the clip pups up in the air it tends to hit a lefty shooter right on the top of the head on it's way to the ground.

TPBM has shot a M1 Garand.
As a matter of fact in Navy boot camp tooooo many years ago. Liked the 45, used to shoot for beers in the Pillapeens, got kinda crazy after a while, LOL.

TPBM is gonna go back and read all 10018 replies!

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