The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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Yes he does, almost all Dutchmen are bigfoot/feet. My feet aren't extraordinary big here.

TPBM didn't know that the average dutch male is 1m80 (5.9 feet) (bodylength that is, not the other one)
I wish, have several inches on the ground now and they are predicting a good foot or more over the next two days.

TPBM has put snowballs in thier freezer so they can use them in the summertime.
It's a skit from the Seinfeld TV Show. Was Celebrated by the Costanza family. Instead of giving gifts they would tell thier grievences against others that have wronged them and perform feats ot strength. Festivus for the rest of us. Was a pretty funny on-going thing on the show.

TPBM watched the Seinfeld show.
Ccheese, you never saw Monty Python's Flying Circus show. Oh man,, I love the two men watching other men falling by the window and betting who would be next, skit. The show was put together by british comedians. Some members were, John Cleese and Eric Idle.

TPBM.....loves old comedies.
Half the time ...........I WISH! The Late Late Show with Graig Ferguson.

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