The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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It's diving without a bottle of oxygen or a snorkel. People tend to stay under water for 4-6 minutes, or dive to a depths of over 100 meters.

TPBM cannot hold his breath for longer than 10 seconds
I a call from the old man yesterday- he's fishing for a week in France with my bro and got a 47 LB MIRROR CARP !!!!!

TPBM would love a fish half that size (like me!)
Nope, could barely drag myself out of bed this AM and have no energy now. Somehow I've got to put in my two hour hike in the woods after work too then watch some Hockey playoffs without falling asleep.

TPBM is going to take a nap during thier lunch hour.
Not me, never went to a college that had a fraternity. Would like to go to school and learn a new trade though. Can't sit through 4 years of College at 42 years old though.

TPBM has an interesting job and will tell me about it.
It's a good job, donno about being "interesting". I just make sure my company
gets paid, by Mazda, for the warranty work we perform on Mazda autos. It's
intricate and time consuming...... and the pay is good, too.

TPBM has a big lawn to cut...


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