The person below me (TPBM)

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Gnomey said:
I wish....

TPBM didn't know that the English channel has the largest number of wrecks per square mile of any area of water in the world..
would've said sable island

TPBM me has one leg shorter then the other
The hell you say, they don't call me tripod for nothing...

TPBM thinks this retarded-*** thread is a complete waste of time and space, since the only reason to read it is to see what crazy crap people type in only to have the person below them answer with a no...
No. Besides, Lanc owns me and my wardrobe that I use when pretending to be CC.

TPBM keeps posting repetative rants about this thread being a waste of time, but curiously keeps posting.
My God yes i know some very stupid people, some of them, I'm ashamed to say are family members at times they're so stupid it scares me!

TPBM was secretly pleased when their girlfriend insisted you got to see the Full Monty film with them
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