The Slowest Plane of WW2?

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krazikanuck said:
The one that has an English comprehesion problem is you pD for Pisis went on in the text of his post and further qualified what his was asking for in his thread title.
Are u questioning MY grasp of the English language as well fucknut??? If u notice, the first statement he made, after his question in the topic, was
Pisis said:
According to my brain database, it was the Rescue Boat Consolidated PBY Catalina.
I was challenging THIS claim, not answering the follow on questions, as was pD....
krazikanuck said:
The question was: But what was the slowest fighter and the slowest bobmer in World War II?
The question was The Slowest Plane of WW2?, not the follow-on questions....
twitch said:
Pisis is saying FIGHTER and BOMBER and the PO-2 and Storch were neither.
Pisis said slowest PLANE in the original topic name, as well as his opening statement, which is what planD, FBJ and I decided to contest...

And for the record, the Storch did alot more than courier flights, as evan so polietly put....
Time to send another PM off to Horse about your agressive conduct and abussive language.

as well fucknut???

Oh my, aren't you the sweet one lesof?? ? :) Did I mention your name? With the resulting berserker ranting would say that qualifies as lack of grasp of the English language. :eek: You do have your emotional instability problems, don't you? Time to visit a VA hospital and get some professional help, that is if you really are a vet.

Get off your high and mighty pedistal. If you didn't notice, Pisis is not a native English speaker, make allowances. :rolleyes:


In service, the Storch was used in a wide variety of roles – serving as a reconnaissance platform, a liaison aircraft, for artillery spotting, and as an air ambulance.
well you've got balls i'll give you that.......

as for the slowest i severly doubt the Catalina was the slowest aircraft of WWII, combat or not, there were much slower.........
the Po-2 was sort of a bomber, it was a night "nuisance" bomber
my vote goes with the Po-2 as the slowest bomber
Polikarpov Po2 was not born as a bomber at all, it was fitted for this role for emergency motivations exactly as Tiger Moth would have been proposed by someone as emergency light bomber in 1939.......this doesn't mean that Po-2 was not an awfully effective aircraft in its role of night intruder....A "Checkbed Charlie" during Korean war destroyed 1 F-86, irreparably damaged one more ande severely damaged 5 ones more.It made in one night the work that Mig15s could not do in one month, and it could come back home without any damage!

The slowest bomber in WW2 was Caproni Ca133 ( maximum speed 231 Km/h), one of them was on the battleline still in 1942 in the extreme defence of Cheren, East Africa,side-to-side with the last two Fiat CR-42 versus South African air Force.

Close to the old "Caprona" ( ="big goat") was Caproni Ca-309 , a light reconeissance-light bomber built in 1936 for "aerocooperation" with colonial troops in African background, it could be approximately compared to a twin engined Westland Lysander, but it had to bear a heavy engagement as assault aircraft versus Allied LRDG trucks and armored cars, it was employed as daylight bomber in the defence of Giarabub and Kufra oasis.
Its maximum speed was no more than 250 Km/h, but two air cooled Alfa-Romeo 115 6 Cyl in-line engines each with 195 HP!

It was much more up-tp-date and successful than its successors, the mediocre Ca 310-311-312-313-314 series.

Another wasted chance: Italy had already good pilots trained for night instinctive flight on CR42CN without a radar,they could have an effective night intruder with the same performances as Po-2 armed with 3 7.7 mm machine guns( sometimes one 20 mm breda) and 330 Kg of bombs for cheap strikes to Malta and other targets

Pictures from the site GMS, Gruppo Modellistico Sesto S. Giovanni: Ca 309 profile, and experimental Breda 20 mm machine gun in the bow ( it frankly seems a 13.2 mm Breda from Regia Marina more than a 20 mm.....)


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you think that's the slowest? well if we're disscounting the real lightweights such as the storch which in all honesty wins this hands down, the swordfish was slower than them two, (after having to use a converter, i hate metric units) the slowest of those two reached roughly 144mph, the swordfish was lucky to hit 138mph.........
ok, i agree that i put the question title wrong... Here is a new one:
What was the slowest fighter, transport, bomber and courier Aircraft of WW2?
KraziKanuK said:
Time to send another PM off to Horse about your agressive conduct and abussive language.

I have to say that sounds about as lame as "I'm gonna tell my dad". I am not going to quote the rest of your rant as it does not bear repeating. Les has already addressed my exception, so I will only warn you that you are being watched carefully here, and you are skating on thin ice.
Twitch said:
Well Pisis, the old P-26 did 234 MPH and was a front line FIGHTER in the Phillipines till 1940.

I was thinking the P-26 also, Twitch. I don't know if there is anything slower. If there was, I pity the poor bastard who had to fly it!
The TBD Devestator had a top speed of 208 MPH at 8000 ft. and a cruising speed of 128 MPH.

If it was going to carry the standard 1200 lbs. torpedo, then its speed on its drop altitude was going to be very slow.
Gloster Gaultlets were used in the early days of the desert war and I don't think they topped 230.
For bombers the British in Singapore attacked the Japenese Fleet in Vickers Vincents top speed clean of around 135mph.
For communications aircraft I would go for the Auster.

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