The weather where you live?

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SNOWING wha ? the last 12 years we have been 65-75F. we are exepected to be snow with a bit of rain everyday for a week. we are stuck in an oversized cold pocket hitting up to the first pass north and into nor Cali. I luv it

Chris I am sending this stuff your way for March so am sure it will freak everyone as it has done here. So much for the early Frühling that was mentioned daily here

let the jesting continue ~
It was snowing all the last night and a bit today.Temperature about 0 C.But now it is rising.The snow has started melting.:(
melt out last night and then a hard freeze and now snowing again, people drive like idiots with crashes south and north of town closing roads ............ ah the land of the Sphere ~ 30F degrees with fog
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