The Weather Where You Live? (1 Viewer)

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My local meteo service here in France says there will be strong thunderstorms at 14:00 and at 20:00.

The Norwegian met says it will be sunny all day.

Normally I rely on the Norwegians to be more accurate. Lets see who wins!
Hot and sunny, in my local, its beer garden, enjoying a....few.....Furstenberg in the sun, Budweiser Budvar, Staropramen and Pilsner Urquell most likely to follow....
Here's to all of you on this forum, who Im proud to call FRIENDS!

You've kept me 'normal' on many occasion!
Extremely abnormal weather conditions here today, and for the past couple of days. People are out with cameras, taking photographs of blue sky, with sun, and it's around 18 degrees. Seems very strange, as we all thought the sky was either dark grey, or covered by darker grey clouds, and wet!
Think i'll have a large print made, and hang it on the wall, to remind me - it's due to be back to normal next week!
Beautiful weather, but the Danube's still on the rise.

This was yesterday, up another metre or so since then:


Great scenery, Evan...beautiful place!

Here at home, we're being roasted by a high pressure system that's covering the north-state.

Yesterday, it was 112F/44C and today, at the moment, it's 100F/37C (but should climb more before evening)

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