The Weather Where You Live? (4 Viewers)

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July weather sucks. Hasn't been above 18°C all month(normally about 28-32). Green house effect my Aunt Fanny's fanny, so I've been outside all week spraying aerosol cans into the air. Result: starting tomorrow, highs of 25-28 for the rest of the week. Now that's science.

Weather is nice today. Upper 70'sF. After a week of HOT and humid. 90'sF dewpoints in the 70'sF.
Temps are on the rise again (above the usual daytime temps of 100F/37C) and we're expecting a high of 112F/44C today, yesterday it was 110F/43C

Didn't cool off much last night, it hit a low of 77F/25C...probably will be close to the same tonight as well
It was raining a half of the night and all this morning long. The temperature about 20°C. It is not raining at the moment but farther rainfalls are forecasted.

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