The What is it? Game

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And Gary Cracks the Code! Good one! :lol:


Though not taken by me, my good friend Phillippe Medard said I could use it!
Sorry guys...haven't been that active recently. Here;s an easy one...ish


  • what4.jpg
    58.7 KB · Views: 80
She's not normally carrier based...allthough size wise she could certainly fit !...I dont think she even has an arrestor hook, but I may be wrong. I'll have to have a looksee at some other shots

...and its all the same plane you see in the shot

Sorry, forgot...she not an Avenger

Edited.....the Navy originaly specified that she could operate from 'Jeep' carriers. Addittionaly, she could have ski's fitted to allow landing on water and taxy at least at 20 knots to make it to the beach !!...and then the Navy lost interest in her !
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Its not Navy.
Its a twin
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