The What is it? Game (1 Viewer)

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Not a PT-19 or FW-189.
Herman has it with the lovely Stampe SV4, in this case the SV4C, a Belgian biplane very similar to, and often confused with, the DH Tiger Moth. The SV has ailerons on all wings, and a large rudder, and is a beaut to fly (although I had a tendancy to over-compensate with rudder!).
Here is a British registered example at Duxford.
Your shot Hermann.


  • Czech 085.jpg
    98.1 KB · Views: 100
That looks like a warning triangle on that frame, so a bit of a stab, as the rivet line doesn't really fit what I'm thinking. Harrier T2 (or whatever the current equivalent 2 seat traiing version is).
Ohh...I know...I know....its a square with a red cross in the middle !. Stuck at work and restrictions wont let me see the piccie !....grrrrrrr

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