The What is it? Game

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Oops! Sorry about that guys!

I've been up to my neck in Physical Therapy, Doc's visits and all sorts of mayhem the past few days and haven't been on the computer (big difference between the PC and that dang iPad!!)

Anyway, here's the next challenge!

Go ahead and have it a look-over and clues will be forthcoming when needed :thumbleft:

it's a civilian yellow thing with a hole in it ................ OK, a wrong guess - Bede BD5 ? No it's not - it's a helicopter thingy, the civvie version of the 'Roach'. Can't remember the name/number.
No sorry Terry, it is very popular with the private crowd because you can build it for about 60 grand. You can have one built for about twice that. It has excellent fuel consumption ratings and has a fairly high cruise speed. They are small. Pilot and passenger and a little luggage.

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