The What is it? Game (1 Viewer)

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Not a Storch or a 108.

it's not German.

If no one guesses it by tonight I'll post a slightly expanded pic.
B*gger, the 108 has a two blade prop anyway. So, not German. That really only leaves Italian (doubtful) Canadian and Australian. Can't really be Japanese, for similar reasons to the Luftwaffe demise. Got me stumped so far.
Not a 406. It's not French.

It's got a gun coming out of the nose (like the 109.)
And the prize goes to...

herman1rg! It is indeed a Macchi C.202, taken at the National Air and Space Museum in Washington D.C.

It's all yours Herman.


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Wow, that was a good one. Didn't know they did a two seater trainer version of that babe

Heres a quickie until Herman can get one up and running.


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By the way, I don't know if the 202s used for training were two-seaters or not. They may have just been advanced trainers for building flight time.
By the way, I don't know if the 202s used for training were two-seaters or not. They may have just been advanced trainers for building flight time.

No worries, it'll give me something to research !.

And sorry, its not B-29, allthough it is prop powered.
See....said it was a quickie .

Ol 927 it is. Take it away Glenn


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That wads a good one Gary! at first I thought it was a gondola on a blimp of airship, than I remembered the tail-gun position they put on Diamond Lil when they re-did her a few years ago.

Here's one with a lot shown, but there's little twist:


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