The What is it? Game

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not a mystere, ands not a Vampire ???, but it is a European design
interesting mod, never heard of it, the mystery bird is not an English design, but you might say it's designers were forward thinking
Let 420 ?
Nope, cancel that, there's a lot flying :-/

Hang on a minute... back in a minute....i know what it is :)
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Got it... been bugging me for a while.
Lets see....
You didn't say only 47 where built....
You didn't say anything about the wing spar passing through the fuselage behind the passenger cabin without decreasing cabin volume....
You didn't say anything about it being powered by General Electric CJ610-5 powerplants....
You didn't say anything about it having swept forward wings....
In other words....
It's designed and built by HAMBURGER FLUGZEUGBAU GmbH (HFB)

Its a HFB320 HansaJet !. That front windshield is unmistakable !

Nice one mate :)
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I do believe you're right old chap!
I'm not well versed in relatively modern civvy stuff, but I thought it was something like one of the French, or in this case, German, 'biz jets'.
Well done, it is the Hansa jet


and I did mention sweep and forward in my clues ;)
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Sorry chaps, been having an honerary snooze :)

Okeydokey. tried to post this one from the laptop earlier this week but it wouldn't. so here it is :)


  • what.jpg
    42.8 KB · Views: 98
Deffo sneaky.!
Not a '47...allthough I can see what your thought train is !
Need to decide which way its pointing
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