The What is it? Game (2 Viewers)

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Definitely not a Lancaster tail wheel. I still think it's a main wheel, and what looks like a brake line is visible there too. I also think it's American, judging by the design of the wheel hub.
I originally thought that the nose was out of shot, to the right, but I'm now thinking it may be the other way around. The wheel, and the shape of the structure in the foreground, seem familiar, but I can't place them - yet.
Welcome aboard Pato.

First guess wrong...sorry.

Second on !. Took this at the USAAF Museum at Dayton back in 2007.

Your turn...


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It kinda looks like a twin engined Avenger !....which it isn't cos they never made one

The canopy looks like a tandem layout and the 'portly' fuselage would indicate a torpedo dropping capability.

I dont think its an American design, possibly European (Bloch / Amiot), I've even checked out the Calquin, but I'm not there yet...

Last attempt tonight, the Italian Breda Ba.88
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Just 2 aircraft were rebuilt with a new streamlined nose to give the bomber/gunner a more comfortable workplace. Sorry this is the only pic of this convertion.
Well done
Well done dude !....and I looked at the complete (oe so I thought !) Martin range :-/

that was a good one

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