The What is it? Game (1 Viewer)

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I think you might have it Terry but I can't remember. And trust me, my memory has been like this since day one. If it got any worse, I would classified as a amnesiac.:lol:
Eeeeeerrrr, d*mn !.

Brooks is right, I have posted it before....just found it after a marathon trawl !...way back around post 4329. slightly different angle but deffo the same Bird.

To save you guys the hassle of going back page at a time, its the nose wheel of a Bronco.

Methinks I need to be a bit more selective next time :) have the floor mate !
Ooooops, my bad. Forgot to post ! Duh !!

Try this one :)


  • what.jpg
    26 KB · Views: 70
Don't let the color scheme put you off on the wrong track, hate to see you chaps russhing round and round :)
Sorry guys, its not a Yak 11

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