The What is it? Game

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Still think its a WIG (wing in ground effect) of some sort, and probably has the engine mounted high on the tail fin, but cant think of the manufacturer right at this minute
OK, I guess you have suffered enough, horsing around was a clue to An-2 "Colt", more specifically the An-2E WIG, Told you it was unlikely. Geedee, you got the WIG part at least, so how about you go next.

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THAT is rsend ugly, and I would never have got it - even though I did think 'Colt', 'Mule' etc !
That said, it makes me think a AN-2 would look good as a monoplane - conventional, not 'WIG'.
Sorry dude, I'm on the road for a while so don't have access to my collection. That was a good one but I'll let someone else take it
It is a Lockheed twin, both you guys are so close but lets see if you can nail which specific model. Clue: It's an existing airframe, I took the picture myself a year ago. If no one gets it by this afternoon I'll post it.
It is based on a model 18 but it was built for the Air Force so unless it received that civil registration number later my guess is it's not that aircraft, but here it is anyway, one of the 325 Lockheed C-60A's built, now at the air Force Museum in Dayton


  • C-60A-.JPG
    70.8 KB · Views: 81
  • C-60A.JPG
    93.7 KB · Views: 76
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I thought a Piper Cub at first, but I can't see the drop-down hatch, then I thought DH Beaver, but it's not quite right for that either. It's something darned obvious, but blowed if I can think what, apart from it has a Bucker look about it !!

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