The What is it? Game (1 Viewer)

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ok...try this:

I'm reminded of a story by a member of Metallica who was quite a tennis player in his home country in Europe. Something like: "In my country I was number 5, but when I got to the United States I was like number 12 on my block!"
Thanks Jim. Interesting and very clever nose crop mate.

Here's another slightly similar looking one - from the USA...

Ah, then maybe it's a CAB 1N-et ...............


I can honestly say that I haven't seen this type before...the entire thing looks like it was made by a cabinet maker (including wooden molding around the door and windows)

Same here Dave - only saw it earlier this week for the first time. Here's the full pic and another one from Aerofiles, obviously a very rare beast...

Panning back.jpg


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