The What is it? Game (1 Viewer)

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Well, how about that?

It's a pretty sad note when you can identify an aircraft by their questionable design features :lol: we go:

Well how about that?

Graeme, you're dead on!

It is indeed, the Mantz P-1 Phoenix (sadly, the very aircraft that killed him)

Thanks Dave! Love that film. Probably my favourite aviation film. :)

Dave, why not put another one up as it didn't last long. If not, anyone else can have a go.

Cheers mate!
I'm back!
Sorry Dave, it's like a disease, if I see something I instantly recognise I have to answer it.
Pretty sure it's the Henschel 132...

View attachment 287932

Put another one up. I promise not to look...

lol Graeme, well done!!

I see that we're going to have to get a little harder on the clues from now on!

Good eye, Jim, Graeme beat ya' but I don't have anything handy to post, so how about you take it from here?
Sink your teeth in this:

Hi Vick.

Pretty sure this is the Lockheed P-80 or a T-33. I remember posting this on the forum, probably 7 years ago. Memory is going...
But I'll see if I can locate the magazine where I saw it.

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