The What is it? Game

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See if we can get this going again.


  • P1020714.JPG
    31.1 KB · Views: 101
Okay, first clue, it's a one of a kind aircraft. Only one was built.
The picture is of a landing gear strut crossing the lowest wing. (yes, it has more than one)
In the dim and distant past, I recall reading an article titled 'The annals of the Polymorph' which was all about variable geometry wing AC. some had swing wing like the F111, others, the whole wing swung about a central pivot.....and some, and I think this is one....the wing was built in sections like a car aerial and could 'concertina' in and out to vary the wing area.

Only two problems with this answer....
One, I cant remember the name of the AC with the wings that fold like an aerial

and two....I'm wrong ?
Nope, that's not it. But I would love to read that article.

Next clue, it's from the 1920s.

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