The What is it? Game

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Spitfire Weekly archives says its a Cadillac !

Personally, I reckon they're just jealous !!
Ah, but what type of Cadillac ?
And Gary, if you don't get this one, then you should be relegated to sorting back issues of Pear Peeler's Monthly magazine !!
Ah, but what type of Cadillac ?
And Gary, if you don't get this one, then you should be relegated to sorting back issues of Pear Peeler's Monthly magazine !!

Next months is doing a slot on 'Moonbeam McSwine...
Yep, I do believe our 'Gazza' was referring to the Cadillac of the Skies, aka P-51 Mustang, although Graeme actually named it.
It is indeed a P-51D, or was.
This is the one involved in that awful landing accident in September, where the passenger sadly did not survive. It's 'Janie', one of Maurice Hammond's two Mustangs, photographed at East Kirkby in August this year.
Now then, who's going to 'claim' this one ................

Very decent of you old chap
No doubt our resident B-24 Flight Engineer will post something ludicrous once he's finished thumbing through Wooly Wings Weekly ......

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