The What is it? Game (4 Viewers)

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Robert - you were on the right path, so please, have a cigar and post the next quiz photo. Cheers!

On the subject of the GAL 61 - here's an interesting photo showing how it controlled yaw - using drag bars that slid in and out, quaintly called "Trafficators"....

(Note also the futuristic looking Planet Satellite in the background)

I'm thinking it may be time to put this thread to bed. There has been very little activity over recent months. Its had a good run but interest is beginning to thin-out.

Only a suggestion
Thanks Terry.

I'm thinking it may be time to put this thread to bed. There has been very little activity over recent months. Its had a good run but interest is beginning to thin-out.

Only a suggestion

Hi Gary.
I wouldn't get too disheartened mate - ID threads like this one tend to fluctuate in interest over time, so I'd just leave it as a "sticky" - especially since the moderators were kind enough to make it one. No harm in leaving it there.

Moving on....

Was only a thought

This one looks like a C119 Flying Boxcar with a bad case of ' the Moth
I see no reaso to get rid of it.

On that note, participation as a whole in the entire forum is down. It is a shame. I think our lil home is dying Unfortunate, but a forum is only as strong as it's members make it.
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