The What is it? Game

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  • whatsit.jpg
    99.4 KB · Views: 121
Ok for a weird plane you gave us in challenge I give you to a weird one to.


  • Test.jpg
    71.2 KB · Views: 124
You got it fella, take it away.

Taken at Dayton back in 2007 when I stopped off at the USAAF museum for 3 days before going down to the GOML 2007

I looked at a pic of that plane I took at the AFM but discounted it because my pic was from an angle that didn't show it!!!:evil:


  • P2110236.JPG
    89.3 KB · Views: 107
Is that an air-intake to cool a flatcylinderal engine. and to the right It's a cone for the spinner?

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