The What is it? Game

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Still thinking about this one (It looks very familiar to me, but I can't tie down the bl**dy thing !). It is a sneaky one mate, not sure if its a Mass Balance / Horn, but I'll think on it some more tonight.

So I'll start the ball rolling with a Pilatus Turbo Porter
Very good Terry!! I didn't think anyone would get it that fast. I had a lot of clues to torture you guys with. :( :)


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One of those which seemed familiar, and the clue about names clinched it - I also remembered The Thunderbirds used F-100s, with red around the nose area, and there was bound to be one in a museum somewhere. Pure luck!
I'll dig out something and post it later.
Lancaster or Stirling?
I can see plenty of small area panels with lots of rivets ahead, ajoining another lesser panelled fuz/necel section mounts at left of pic - as to the bulge/fairing and what is placed upon it, I am not sure...
This has a large round fuselage by the looks of it, not squared off like the '24

Wondering if its a good old 'Fat Albert (C130 ) but the wing shoulder looks too low
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Not a B24 or Lancaster, and definitely not a Stirling as there aren't any left (apart from one known on the sea bed off Denmark). Not 'Fat Albert' either, although it has got four engines.

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