The What is it? Game

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Glenn is very close.

This 'wing' is at the front, not the back.

And no, I've never seen one of these before I took this picture !

Huge clue...It is not a standard fitment to the 'Plane, its a bit like a an after-market 'bolt-on' .... a bit of googling should provide the answer.
Cessna 182?


  • katmai.jpg
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Good one Glenn ! Judging by the 'beefy' landing gear, it's for bush flying - I'm guessing that canard/'nose plane' with elevator is for extra lift on short field take off?
Good one Gary !
Well done Glenn

Captured this oddity at Popham airfield back in 2006. Never seen one before and havent seen one since ! Methinks it looks quite cool with the wheel spats on.

Right Glenn.....time for a hard one please !!!!


  • IMG_5283.jpg
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  • IMG_5284.jpg
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Ah ha! It's a Hippocroccofrog dispensing pod Mk 3A, attached to that thing the guy wanted colour pictures of ... maybe !?
Gary's on the right track, on most of these aircraft it's unpainted.
Another clue:
This type of aircraft is a continuation of a previous model by the same manufacture, at least in name anyway.

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