The What is it? Game

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Good work Gary! sure ?. I am shocked at that one Glenn. First thoughts were of a crop duster but then I kept goin to a chopper for some reason. Spent some time rooting through whats available on the World Wide Wait and could only think of a Sikorsky. Couldn't find a decent piccie showing that wheel so it was purely a guess !. I am surprised I got that one :oops:

Right chaps, have a go at this one, shouldn't take too long...

And what happened to the dude with pics that weren't of a Zero ?


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Good call Terry. Its one of the BBMF's Chippies !

Over to you


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Standard, framed, British production canopy Neil, although I admit the Canadian 'blown' canopy looks better. It doesn't look so bad from the side!
Couldn't remember if the locking handles were on the top, and I should know, having done a few hours in 'Chippies', including the BBMF's kite !
I'll be back soon with a pic.
OK, try this one.


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And to think, that was a guess. HHmmm. Hang'in around with you guys must be make'in me smarter.:lol: Ok, let's try this one. First hint. Image at full size and you'd be about six inches from it.


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