Then and Now

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Man you Europeans don't change a thing do you? In the states we would have torn those wrecks down and rebuilt them twice over already!

What would be the rush? My house had a kitchen added in the 19th century and then a bathroom in the 20th. We added a new bedroom in the hayloft in the 21st. I suppose my chickens might complain as their granite house and walled run has never been updated for over 300 years.

Ah, so a relatively new house then. The tree trunk holding up the roof in my last cottage (from where ex-wifey has just left) was older than most of the town's buildings, and obviously much older than the cottage itself, and the cottage was only about 260 to 275 years old - never could establish the exact year of construction.
I really enjoy photo comparisons like this. A great thread. Thanks for starting it.

Did one of my own for a history project in 1970 when I was a senior in high school in Independence Missouri. I gathered photos of various locations around KC during the prohibition era, and then took modern day photos from as close to the original viewpoint as possible. Mounted them next to each other on a poster board, pointing out the things that were the same and the things that had changed. Some areas, like the OP photos, changed very little. Other places were completely unrecognizable.

The teacher was pretty impressed, and I got an A. Lost it in a house fire the following summer.

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