Thoughts and condolences to the French people

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True,very sad for my home country,hope the world wakes up and starts dealing with this situation.
You can't watch all the people all the time unfortunately - and rabid dogs can be cunning as well as vicious...

There is no word in the language big enough to express my contempt for these so-called martyrs - nothing written down in any religion that I know of sanctions killing unarmed civilians, and whatever cause they are fighting for, it becomes a larger target now as attacking us will only harden our determination to eradicate them from the face of the earth.
Heartfelt sympathy to the relatives and friends of the innocents who lost their lives. Spare me the broadcasts of the bleeding heart liberals trying to justify the two brothers who were "disadvantaged" tell me more about the muslim policeman executed doing his job and the black policewoman executed doing hers, even more tell me about the people just buying some groceries or giving the world a joke. gggggrrrrrr enough, sorry guys some things make me puke not only the act itself but the British media reaction,,,,,it seems its my fault.
Certainly only an extremely small minority of Muslims are terrorist, but unfortunately it seems that nowadays the vast majority of terrorists are Muslims....
My condolences to the Families of the victims.
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Certainly only an extremely small minority of Muslims are terrorist, but unfortunately it seems that nowadays the vast majority of terrorists are Muslims....
My condolences to the Families of the victims.

General Pershing measures are needed no more p*&sy foot'in around
I think it is time for the world to wake the **** up and stand together and stop this. It needs to start with the moderate Muslims around the world to stand up and condemn these cowardly acts of violence against unarmed innocent people. The Islamic countries around this world need to stand up and police their own. Stop these bastards instead of sitting back and quite frankly "secretly" supporting them and most likely funding them.

Europe needs to wake the **** up and join in on this fight and stop this.

Enough is enough!

I also recommend that every freedom loving person in this world, everyone who believes in the right to freedom of press and speech stand up and unite with this French satirical newspaper and post their cartoons on every area of social media.

Enough is enough!

Wake up people!
Islam is to blame. Until they come to terms with the cancerous rot in their own communities, nothing will change.

The blowback will happen and it is inevitable.

Its been almost 14 years since the 9-11 attacks and I am still waiting for some US inmams to declare a fatwa on the enemies of our country.
the world community needs to grasp that sometimes the moral high road leads to a dead end. when you have an opponent that defies reason and tolerance then your options become fewer and less diplomatic.

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