Tom Cruise involved in John Woo's "Flying Tiger's" movie...maybe

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what the HELL is wrong with Tom cruise? I think he's an awesome actor! especially after Top Gun!
I just don't like him at all. He's really, really annoying as an actor. Bottom left corner of the last pic..


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wtf? why do people hate him?

I think its a matter of personal taste. Personally, I don't care much for him as an actor, and his outspoken views on politics (both US and world) as well as his Scientology garbage, drove the final nail in the coffin. Heck, it wasn't until someone on here mentioned "Valkyrie" was a good movie in spite of him being in it, that I finally broke down and rented it. If Tom Cruise is in this one, it'll probably be the same. There are countless others who could play whatever part it is without the smug arrogance he can't help but project.!!!!!!

This SUCKS. I didn't see Pearl Harbor (Ben Alfick may be worse than Tom Cruise), I didn't see Valkarie (Tom Cruise is a tool), I didn't see Inglorious Bastards (We are in the Nazi hunting business, and business is booming.......give me a break), and now I won't see Flying Tigers (see note on Valkarie) Tom Cruise is a self centered jackass and I wish someone would tell him we dont care what his political and religious views are.

Maybe Hollywood can f*** up another WW2 movie!!!!!!

This SUCKS. I didn't see Pearl Harbor (Ben Alfick may be worse than Tom Cruise), I didn't see Valkarie (Tom Cruise is a tool), I didn't see Inglorious Bastards (We are in the Nazi hunting business, and business is booming.......give me a break), and now I won't see Flying Tigers (see note on Valkarie) Tom Cruise is a self centered jackass and I wish someone would tell him we dont care what his political and religious views are.

Maybe Hollywood can f*** up another WW2 movie

You took the words out of my throat
From the article originally posted; they seem pretty sure of the insider gossip on Cruise playing Claire Chennault. This would be another case of Hollywood screwing up a piece a history to make a buck.
My daughter was telling me and the wife about a movie she saw the other night; "Paranormal Activity" or something like that. Low budget thriller with some unknown actors and it was made for like $17 (okay, maybe more like $15,000)....but she said it was one of the better movies she's seen in a long time. Hollywood just has to hedge their bets with star-power.

It is supremely ironic that a story of men with exceptional courage will be brought to the screen by a movie industry with no real backbone or conviction. On second thought, that is really quite sad as well.


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