Instead for coming here to moan, whine and insult, I suggest that these slow witted, spineless neanderthals, that as rare as rocking horse sh*t have an IQ higher than 10, go somewhere else to play, as they couldn't organize a p*ss-up in a brewery if their lifes depended on it! Many here wouldn't mind to beat seven shades of sh*t of them, for sometimes insulting people here, who I personally see as close friends and even worse if they happen to veterans that they're insulting...
If you ask me, they can all take a slow stroll down Bourneville Boulevard with their boyfrends...they're all as camp as a row of pink tents anyway! Wouldn't be surprised if these f*ckers all have faces like a bulldog licking the p*ss of a nettle and never get outside their wee soft, pink and cuddly rooms...
F*ck off you b*stards, you're all as welcome here as a fart in a spacesuit! Crawl back to your own miserable lifes and go on with your five knuckle shuffle while looking at naked pics of your mothers...!