Prince Plan_D of South Yourkshire:
Although I barely roam this section of this forum, I do recall you saying you like Cold Play somewhere else? Actually, Cold Play is an horrific piece of band. A dark nightmare suddenly unleashed from your closet when you open it in the morning to get your clothes for the day.
You know what an intense emotion can cause to your mood when you just got out of bed right?
To put a clearer perspective of what hearing Cold Play means, I could tell you of an example of nightmare. -This will be momentarily out of topic, but just hang on a bit.-
I have friends from the Pacific coast in this country. They drink alcohol as if the end of the world lied around the corner.
Well, when this guys get drunk and meet the next day with gruesome hangovers they have several remedies to heal that condition.
At the coast, they have one fundamental remedy used to heal hangovers. They go out to this small restaurants located eveywhere, called "Cocteleries". There you eat only cold sea food, called "Cocktails".
There, they order a variety of ice cold sea food. Shrimps, clams, crabs, octopus, scallops...all served very cold. Shrimps and octopus and crabs are cooked only in boiling water. Clams and scallops are eaten right as they come from the sea.
When the shrimps are taken out of the bowl where they were cooked, the broth resulting from boiling the shrimps in the water -with salt-, is left out to get cold.
When it is not hot anymore, they put the broth in a large stainless-steel bowl in a cooler filled with ice. Also the boiled shrimps and octopus are stored in those large coolers, so they too get ice cold.
Then you get a large, I mean real large, cup filled with shrimps, octopus, clams, etc...and that ice cold broth I told you about.
They add diced purple onion and cucumber to complete the cocktail, also a quantitiy of that thing called Clamato. Part of the cure is to add hot salsa to the cocktail.
In conclusion, it´s the combination of the cold spicy salty broth and seafood it what cures hangovers.
There you have the perfect recipe to get rid of your headover. An ice cold cocktail with hot salsa. By the way, those Cocktails are absolutely delicious. I eat them everyday when I go to the coast, although for the sole pleasure of the flavor, I hardly drink, and when I do, I know how to drink, so I do not have to go through what these guys go.
So where lies the example of nightmare I was referring to?
Well, last year I went with some of these friends to San Francisco, California. We went to a party were the thing was pretty much about being either homosexual or junkie, so we left quite early.
We went to this bar, and my friends drank like insane pigs running across the countryside pursued by a hungry pack of lions for 6 months non-stop.
Following morning, our hotel room smelled like a brewery, also the moaning and whinning from my friends who had all horrible hangovers was present.
What would these gremlins expect to get after mixing several kinds of beer -light and dark-, with rum, later some vodka, later on some tequila, then a little bit of rum and soda back again, champagne, even a gooddamn red wine bottle which costed the salary of half the people of Kampuchea throughout the entire bloody night?
So my beloved friends, accustomed to heal their hangovers with the Cokctails I did describe here, suddenly remembered that the place were they where waking up was not their beloved Pacific coast of Mexico where ice-cold-spicy seafood cocktails are made.
Rather, they were waking up in San Francisco, California, where such recipes would sound like the menu of another galaxy.
So there they were, trying to heal hangovers at McDonald´s eating some egg muffin and similar crappy items. Staring at the little thing in their hands with eyes suggesting it was all over. One of them suddenly yelled inside the restaurant: "ESTO ES UNA PESADILLA!!!!" -spanish for "this is a nightmare".
Instead of getting their beloved cold salty spicy fresh seafood cocktails they got a piece of warm chunk to heal themselves.
To my ears, super plan-d, Cold Play is just like the experience my friends endured in San Francisco.
A girl from this city, which is deeply in love with me, got her a ColdPlay tattoo. If there were any chances in the firmament that would eventually lead to a positive reponse from me to her, that sole tattoo cancelled them all. She ruined her life for good.
Next time I go to Europe to attend my fanclubs located in all main capitals of the continent, I will implement a new requirement for further admission of members: any Cold Play tattoos will imply a rejection of all application. (Sending a photo in the nude is one of the requirements).
So my recommendation to you Sir is the following:
Get two albums from one the greatest bands ever to set foot on the planet:
Fields of the Nephilim.
The albums are (i) The Nephilim and (ii) Elizium.
I can bad mouth the Spitfire very much, a British item. Fields of the Nephilim are British. Although FoN -British item- no longer exists, say anything bad about them and I promise you next time I go to England, I will travel to where you live, and will have your ass thoroughly kicked.
Fields of the Nephilim IS the band. "Elizium" is the ultimate greatness ever achieved by any group of musicians.
It might be of interest to get acquainted with electronics. Note that I am referring to REAL ELECTRONIC music, and not that pointless, poppy, mindless, drug prescribing, jumping crap the entire world identifies and dances as "electronic music" today; things like those poor Ministry of Sound/ Buddha Bar things, or even worse those "Ibiza ambient", or "Cafe del Mar" compilations which virtually flood shelfs in music stores throughout the planet.
Compilations which have, say, 20 "songs", each from a different "artist" or "DJ". It´d appear that today, every cretin owning or -better- borrowing a Casio preset-sound keyboard and a turntable, can send his "compositions" to those labels and have their wit included in a release.
I am strictly referring to ELECTRONIC MUSIC.
There is this band that I highly recommend: Skinny Puppy, get an album "Last Rights". People who like it say it reminds you there is a hell beneath us.
I love the album but I do not believe in hell though.
Faster, darker, harder industrial music, a legendary band, Noise Unit, a great album "Strategy of Violence".
Another great band, Front Line Assembly. You can get "Hard Wired" or "Epitaph".
Nice evening gentlemen, got to get out of here.