I'm expanding my music collection with my massing money ... so I need some ideas on what to buy. I think we all know my music taste by now. So, at this moment in time list your top five favourite songs and albums .
Naturally I'll appreciate the imput of Chris, Eric and Dan much more than the rest of you scum , but you're all more than welcome to join in. Or ... just tell me some albums I should buy , and none of this new CRAP British indie shite ... and any mention of Oasis means you're a cock sucking butt sniffing rancid bacon eating coke fiend ... called Fido.
Naturally I'll appreciate the imput of Chris, Eric and Dan much more than the rest of you scum , but you're all more than welcome to join in. Or ... just tell me some albums I should buy , and none of this new CRAP British indie shite ... and any mention of Oasis means you're a cock sucking butt sniffing rancid bacon eating coke fiend ... called Fido.