Love the Roanoke Shops, or East End Shops as they also are known as right?
Been trying to get a decent layout or track plans over them, they'd look cool in H0, the same as Milwaukee's shops! 8)
While I was in Europe, I saw a few trains though I wasn't able to get a shot of them except for one.
It looks to be some sort of maintenance stock and I managed to grab it while we were on the highway between Naples and the east coast of Italy (sorry for the poor quality shot, it was on the quick, through a window at roughly 145kph).
I have always been a huge fan of this song - but nowadays, successful trains have numbers, not names. In any case, hardly the "disappearing railroad blues..."
Thank you, ABW - can't claim they are "mine" but I heard Arlo on the radio Friday night and decided I wanted to post on vigorous North American rail ....