Trebor is back!!

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Master Sergeant
Feb 15, 2008
woo! I'm back, baby! after a solid month of being offline because of PC antispyware 2010, I'm finally back online. I missed y'all so much!

first, I downloaded this thing which had this spyware attached to it, after several weeks of trying to get rid of it, I bought an 8 gig flash drive, saved all the files I wanted to save and reformatted my comp. took about 5 days to get internet back on my comp, but I feel back at home ^^

it'll take a bit to get back on my feet. I'm trying to find free video and sound drivers so I could have better video and sound. so if anyone could help me out with that, that'd be great ^^
I'm trying to find free video and sound drivers so I could have better video and sound. so if anyone could help me out with that, that'd be great ^^
Video drivers are normally free anyway, find out what manufacturer/model of VGA you have from your Device Manager and go to their site.

If you've got a 16-bit sound card (likely) you won't get better sound than that. Back in the day, the 16-bit sound card was a noticeable jump in quality over an 8-bit card. So next stop 32-bit? No, the human ear isn't good enough to discern the difference any higher than that hence no sound cards with higher resolution than 16-bit.

Some decent speakers might make a difference...
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If your video card is an on-board (built in to the motherboard) card, you can get the latest drivers from the computer manufacturer's website, up under the support section. If its an add-on card (you or someone else installed it in a slot on the motherboard...these are usually found near the bottom of the PC as you're looking at the back, probably between 4 adn 6 inches long, depending on whether you've got a standard tower or a slim tower), get the name of the card (either a sticker on the card itself, or, in the case of PNY cards, there's a logo on the faceplate) and go to their website for the drivers. Same thing with audio cards. If I had manufacturer names, I could link you to the websites.
Video drivers are normally free anyway, find out what manufacturer/model of VGA you have from your Device Manager and go to their site.

If you've got a 16-bit sound card (likely) you won't get better sound than that. Back in the day, the 16-bit sound card was a noticeable jump in quality over an 8-bit card. So next stop 32-bit? No, the human ear isn't good enough to discern the difference any higher than that hence no sound cards with higher resolution than 16-bit.

Some decent speakers might make a difference...

it doesn't seem like I have it. but I used to play my flight sim and DVDs and vids just fine until now.

btw, I found the right sound driver
it doesn't seem like I have it. but I used to play my flight sim and DVDs and vids just fine until now.

btw, I found the right sound driver
It sounds like you were looking for a driver, rather than a driver upgrade. If your PC was recently blown away your sound may be running on bare-bones drivers or that speaker that does all the beeping whilst you're booting up.

I know some proprietary sound systems offer driver upgrades but that's usually to offer you improved stereo distribution, echo, reverb and wah-wah etc rather than an any actual improvement in fidelity. 16-bit sound was nailed years ago.
thanks a lot you guys!

and i found the right video driver. so it's all good! ^^
Thanks, Wayne! :D btw, I've been worrying more about my computer problems, so I've been working less on the Boeing 737. but I did apply a nice coat of matte white which I will put glosscote on later, after I do the silver underside and some touch up details. there might be a smidgeon deformity in the forward part of the fuselage cos of me using a crapload of glue to keep the nose weights in the front.
heh, lucky for me, this is just a small spot on the plane, so I used putty on it

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