Twelfth Night...

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Senior Master Sergeant
Jan 2, 2009
United Kingdom
...anyone else take their Christmas decorations down today?

We got sent home from work today so I took them down this afternoon, I hate how sombre my living room looks after the splash of colour and lights. Some people never grow up... :)
you violators of Christmas cheer !!

only took the lights off the front trees, but seems we are the only ones in the neighborhood to still turn them on.

I may still have them going through the long summer nights so the drunk neighbors can steer their way home...........the losers.

We usually remove most by the 15th normally but 09/010 has not been normal
Wife took them down and she really goes to town putting them up. Place is lit up like Super Max.

She took them down from Saturday to Tuesday. 4 days straight, about the same time it takes to put them up.
We took ours down yesterday. Normally we take them down on the 6th, but we did it early yesterday when we had the snow day from work.
up your butt coconut

say was on the rough in balmy non typical January 60F weather cleaning my gutters and pruning my wild plum trees armed with only a t-shirt on and my speedo and a good set of very sharp loppers, got on the chimney and removed the angel and some of the roof lights as well

life is good

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