Virus in the name of....(d*mn you Gutt and Paul)

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Well, if you did do one of Peter's 88's or 110's you would certainly get an enormous amount of help...

Just a thought...

And there might be a reward involved to whomever makes one.
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this may or may not get everyones juices flowing but ......... if someone wants to crank up the size go to it. NJG 2 crate 4R+FB


  • 4r_fb_colour.jpg
    78.9 KB · Views: 70
" Wellenmuster " camo of 44-45 very typical string bean curves all over: violet over greys with the RLM 76 very pale blue or pale grey-white-blue like shown

just like this baby boy in the scan

Brieglebs Ju 88G-6 was camo'd in similar fashion but the well known left sidephoto has a different more closed pattern than the right side of his crate.


  • farger.jpg
    43.3 KB · Views: 96
cooooooooooooooooooooool. love that picture
and that is one neat panel also
but what puzzels me is that it is the underside panel from one of the stabs or outer wingparts.. but acording to the 3 screws further in on each side it must be the underside of the stab..why the cammo underneath ?? strange ??
part of ground concealment and this was also the case in LW day fighters in 1945.

to the panel some painter got carried away and sprayed probably more than he should of and that was also typical the craft were getting shot to pieces on the ground and the covering of trees on an open field was pure invitation to "shoot me".

Reason enough for ground crews if favored in big trees to literally back up the Ju's right into them and net the front and cover them with debris

left out in the open well then you take the chance ... ~


  • PDVD_011.jpg
    27 KB · Views: 84
the splotch was the standard blue with grey-violet splotches over the fuselage top and tail surfaces, wings.

Rökkers mount was dressed like this.

another scan for perspective this time captured machines not quite ready to be delivered to operational units at Langensalza. the blotch camo is readily apparent.


  • Ju88-44.jpg
    117.5 KB · Views: 88
trade it in ................. NOW ................. for an Ju 88G-6 in the larger scales. poop on the Bf 110 except for maybe the G-2 Zerstörer
since you brought him up did you know he was scared and did not trust the Ju 88G-6 ? it was actually and he admitted it, it was too much for him to handle, I can see the guy flying this in Stab of NJG 1 or NJG 4 and probably score another 25 kills before wars end he could of easily with his know how and prowess scored over 135 kills in my estimation

something to contimplate

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