Pisis, did ur arms feel stiff and sore, were u exhausted??? The thing is, u cant work every part of ur body in 1 day... U itemize certain muscle groups and do them on a certain day, then other parts on another...
Here is a workout example of someone trying to gain muscle mass and body weight...
Biceps- 3x sets straight curls, 3x sets curl bar curls, 3x sets isolation curls
Triceps- 3x sets triceps press downs, 3x sets horizontal flex, 3x sets isolation presses
Cardio and stomach work till u puke................
Chest- 3x sets flat bench press, 2x sets incline bench, 2x sets decline bench, 3x sets dumbell press, 3x sets butterfly curls
Shoulders- 3x sets side raises, 3x sets foward raises, 3x sets back raises
Cardio and stomach till u puke................
Trapezious- 4x sets neck crunches (HEAVY WEIGHT!)
Legs- 4x sets squats, 3x sets leg presses, 3x sets calf raises
Cadio and stomach till u puke............
HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Monday starts it all over.......
You HAVE to be using very heavy weight, more than ur accostumed to using... U want to be screaming and sweating ur ass off by the third set... U want to be getting 4-5 reps WITH an assist from ur partner... SCREAMING AND GRUNTING!!!!!!!!!!
By the time u are done with each days workout, u want to feel pumped up, muscles full of blood and gorging.... U want to feel a burning and pain... Pain is good if its from soreness.... Do not proceed if u feel someting is damaged.... (tendons/ligaments ect)
U also have to be eating.... ALot! Protiens and more protiens... Many times a day, not 3 big meals.... Read my previos posts again Pisis....
While I can show u my recommendation, u have to find what works for u.... The basics are here in this post... Research some work out techniques for the major body parts... U HAVE TO BURN THOSE MUSCLES UP TO GET BIGGER....
When u burn em up, they regenerate and get bigger.... Alot of water and protiens aid in this process......
If u aint hurting, u aint doin it right...