You have plenty of time to figure out what you are good at. There is no need to rush. Your mind can and probably will change many times as to what you want to do over the years. I had many things that I thought about doing.
I did have some great times in the AF. But the good times, while they stick with you, don't mess up your mind. They are good memories that help to counter the other stuff. If I had served about 2.5-3 years, it would have been a great enlistment. It was the last 12-18 months that were tough.
There are many ways to serve. There are tons of jobs in the US military. I wanted something that would be good for me on the outside in case I decided not to make it a career. That was from probably the best piece of advice my recruiter gave me.
I did have some great times in the AF. But the good times, while they stick with you, don't mess up your mind. They are good memories that help to counter the other stuff. If I had served about 2.5-3 years, it would have been a great enlistment. It was the last 12-18 months that were tough.
There are many ways to serve. There are tons of jobs in the US military. I wanted something that would be good for me on the outside in case I decided not to make it a career. That was from probably the best piece of advice my recruiter gave me.