Western Canadian Regional Model Contest (2011)

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4 entries in the Single Prop Moderate Detail Category.

Gold Airfix Spitfire Mk XII
Silver Tamiya P-51B
Tied for bronze are another Tamiya P-51B and an interestingly mounted Tamiya Corsair.


  • Airfix Spit Mk XII Gold.jpg
    102.1 KB · Views: 85
  • Tamiya Corsair.jpg
    73.5 KB · Views: 100
  • Tamiya P51B Bronze.jpg
    90.5 KB · Views: 84
  • Tamiya P51B Silver.jpg
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I agree Wayne. The Spit also showed up at the more recent Alberta Military Model Show and I'll post more of it in a separeate thread. A very nice build but, for me, a tad heavy on the panel lines but the judges at both shows didn't seem to mind.
Good stuff there. Agree about the panel lines on ths Spit, especially as only two Squadrons used the MkXII, and for a relatively short period, when weathering was minimal. Still very good though, even though the flaps wouldn't be deployed on the ground!
1/72nd scal OOB category.

Gold went to the Hasegawa A3 B Skywarrior
Silver went to the He 280 by "Homa-Modell"(??)
Bronze is the Go 229 from Revell

The last pic shows a TSR and Canadian Forces 707 which did not place.


  • Forces 707.jpg
    89.8 KB · Views: 69
  • Hasegawa A3 B Skywarrior Gold.jpg
    76.3 KB · Views: 60
  • Homa He 280 Silver.jpg
    83.3 KB · Views: 81
  • REvell Ho 229 Bronze.jpg
    74.7 KB · Views: 73
Here's the last batch of miscellaneous aircraft model pictures I took.

Some of my fellow countrymen still revere the Avrow Arrow and lament it's tragic end. Perhaps the title of this piece should have been "Wishful Thinking".

This Ki-48 is a vac formed kit by AZ Models:

The workhorse of the Canadian North, the DeHavilland Beaver, complete with scratch-built ski-doo.

A rather nice Nimrod:

And a 1/48 Academy P-47

Next up - Armour!

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