Western Canadian Regional Model Contest (2011)

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Thanks guys. Terry, I was actually a bit surprised at the first place as well. I thought there were better entries in the group.

Cory, good news, the show goes to Edmonton next year after which they'll alternate so I look forward to seeing you there next year!
Don't like the weathering on the KI 61 if it's suppose to be chipped around the cockpit and wing it looks to clean to me. also the fact the prop spinners and leading wing edge aren't weathered also throws it off otherwise it's not a bad looking model.
Good show! Congrats on the prices too. Man, being in front of a Lanc with a couple of roaring engines sure must be an awesome display of power. Looking forward to some more pics
Thanks all. More pics tonight (sorry about the orangey tinge - forgot to set the white balance)

Tim, although I'm certainly not an authority on Japanese planes, I think the scheme is intended to represent green camo patches painted onto bare aluminum rather than chipping.


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Came home for lunch and thought I'd post the next batch. These are the entries for 1/48 Single Prop OOB Allied.

First up, Gold award to this beautifully finished Tamiya P-51B done up in Alclad NMF. I picked up this very kit at the swap for 10 bucks and the decals seem to be the same as on this model. It's inspired me to try the Alclad paint, which I've never done.

P51B Tamiya Gold 1.jpg

P51B Tamiya Gold 2.jpg

Next, Silver award to this nicely done Accurate Miniatures Dauntless:

Dauntless Accurate Miniatures Silver.jpg

Bronze went to this Tamiya Razorback P-47

P 47 Tamiya Silver.jpg

Next up, a rather dusty looking Occidental Sptifire XVI:

Spitfire XVI Occidental.jpg

And rounding out the category, a rather nice Trumpeter RCN Sea Fury:

Sea Fury Trumpeter.jpg
Nice stuff, the Sea Fury's my favourite of the group.

And watch the Alclad. I haven't had success with it at all. It went down ok for the most part on a Ki-84 I built a few years ago, but it went awful on a CF-104 and a CF-100 that I attempted to spray with it last summer. Obviously you can get great results with it, but it is tricky (or maybe it's just me!).
Great stuff Andy. That Mustang looks good, but pity about the prop and spinner. Watch this on your build, as the prop splines are too long, and will need attention, plus the joint in the spinner / back plate needs careful alignment and sanding.
You're right Terry. Also, I'm aware that the Mustang's wings were actually painted silver over primer so would take it easy on the NMF. I was quite impressed by the model though. As an OOB he could not fix the props of course.
My god two American European theater planes without invasion stripes! what is the world coming to. And both look damn good too.

Congratulations Andy, silver and bronze can't buck at that mate, you did well. Some nice builds as well and can imagine the excitement with a couple of merlins rumbling away. Looks like a good show.
Yup. In the 1/48 Single Prop Super Detailed Category:

Gold to the ICM Spitfire IX by yours truly:

My Spit IX Tamiya Gold.jpg

Silver went to this Tamiya Corsair:

F4U1D Corsair Silver Hasegawa.jpg

The bronze goes to this rather nice Hasegawa Italian 109G-6 converted to a two seater:

109 Trainer Hasegawa.jpg

And rounding out the catgeory, a Hasegawa Spit PR XI:

PRXI Spitfire Hasegawa Bronz.jpg

Some truly beautiful stuff still coming guys so stay tuned!

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