What annoyed you today?

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I just got up, but i woke up 1 hour ago, my body was lazy to move.... damn i had to spend 1 hour under the hot sun
As if life gives a sh*t
I listened to Black Eyed Peas-My humps, IN REVERSE! god damn it was so F*cking annoying
Dad moved my entire iTunes library from my limited account on the mac (so i dont get distracted- yeh right...) to my unlimited account (where i can muk around as much as I like). He didnt do it the right way, so I lost all my playlists and the tracks from all the CDs I imported are in the wrong order...
and so now I have 1G of music to clean up! EFFING EXASPARATING- not ANNOYING!!
My baby likes to listen to some childrens DVD's...........I have this horrid song stuck in my head right now..."Fruit salad, yummy yummy, fruit salad, yummy yummy..."

(Its from that infamous Aussie group "The wiggles")

i sustained a savage and suprise attack by the Luftwaffe on my bomber base at approximately 2200 hours last night, however there were no casualties and damage was light, the bomb they dropped (a water bottle) knocked the nose glazing off my halifax, fortunately that's the only damage i've been able to see so far, but it's annoying all the same and i've gotta stick it back on at some point.............
not getting into the 45 mile ten tors team simply because i did the 35 last year, insted in an attempt not to appear bias or unfair someone that didn't even turn up to all the training and someone that can't even navigate got into the team..........
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