What annoyed you today?

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yes that is a shame, make sure you keep us updated........

and what annoyed me, people thinking this video was funny

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COmws6rfVhE

Jesus christ it sucks, yet there are thousands of morons out there commenting saying she's a genius, she just keeps getting funnier and funnier, how can she possibly be so funny? actually thinking she's original and her actually inspiring them, so they go off and make their own version of the video in dedication to this legend of comedy! in which no doubt they will say the "haters" of which i am proud to be one, are jealous, no, the haters aren't jealous, we just struggle to comprehend how anyone can actually be stupid enough to find this amusing.........
tnx guys
i wont be seeing her today cause i just had swimming practice
btw, they arent giving her medicine cause they aren't sure if she
really has dengue

i was on the phone just now and she still has a fever, the fever has gone on for 5 days, it's one of the symptoms, and diarrhea, another one
but the other symptoms dont seem to be showing
what annoyed me? getting back from a long day cycling, soaking wet and stinking, and my sister, having been home all day decides at that point that she wants a bath as opposed to letting me have it........
I had to replace the battery in my Grand Am yesterday. I thought it had just died, but when I went to charge it up, the positive terminal came right off in my hand. It had corroded right through.

It's amazing that it had managed to hold on to a charge as long as it had.
Well it is almost a week now that I have been annoying me. Working since last week and Wednesday for 12-13 hours every day since then and I must work at the office and at the store to prepare for our new store which would open soon and the extra money is ok except that I feel like a steam train went over me. Luckily Thursday it will be all over.
well I knew all along that Karr was innocent of killing that sweet little Ramsey kid but now what will they do with that predetor ?

cover him with wax and light him up like a candle. No wick provided of course. ...... a total putz or maybe one without ......... ? yuk
wheres my sniper rifle ?

they just let this piece of trash of a human go from the Boulder City Police dept, ..............
justice has been served......... ? think not

he will probably be the spokeperson for the Iranian govt. now as he is on a roll
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