What Annoyed You Today?

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Thats pretty inmature Doughboy.

Just becuase we dont agree on the same thing dosnt mean you have to take me off your friends list.
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Oh my goodness, I am so tired I can fall over and fall asleep right here in front of the PC. Worked the whole weekend and had to stand on my foot the whole 3 days and now it feels like a train ran over it.
I hear you on that one Wayne, was pulling some stuff out of the backseat of my truck yesterday and it hooks on the tire jack which landed squarely on my bad foot. Had to bite my lip from saying some words the neighbors woulnd't have wanted to hear!
Had to go home early today because I had overestimated my own physical abilities, and underestimated my bad back. *growls*
A nap helped a bit, painkillers'll do the rest.
Booked an appointment with my physician tomorrow, and now I'm getting serious about getting things done here, as it's been 3-4 months with back problems and pains, and I'm running seriously low on patience.
This was actually a Saturday afternoon annoyance. Went north on Saturday to a friends house where I have my bandsaw stored. Plan was to cut out a bowform for glueing up a new longbow I want to build. Was about halfway through cutting out the form and took a break. Went back to turn the bandsaw on again and "Kaboom", bandsaw wheels turns, but blade didn't. Snapped right in half and project came to an abrupt halt. Could not find the correct size blade at any of the local shops so will have to go back this coming weekend if time permits to finish the project.
7 hours on the surgery table, 2 pints lost, this had better be worth it when all is said and done....On a related note, I apparently have jaws and muscles from a prized boxer (reallllllly good calcium, reallllly strong muscles).
7 hours on the surgery table, 2 pints lost, this had better be worth it when all is said and done....On a related note, I apparently have jaws and muscles from a prized boxer (reallllllly good calcium, reallllly strong muscles).


I'm in the same boat with the tough jaw haha. I had to have some teeth removed to make way for new ones, and they said I had the hardest jaw they'd ever seen.

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