What Annoyed You Today?

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Having to sell my Alfa after the gearbox went. I just don't have the time to repair it and I know the new owner will, so I just took his offer. Still gutted though, as I really did love it
My mom spilling coke over the computer and thus ****ing the motherboard and then I had to get a new one, but now it is mine. And everything was blamed on me. I told her not to put anything like that near the PC.
I'm doing mock exams in preperation for my main ones in 4 weeks.

I rock up and guess what no one told me my music exam was on monday.
I had a printed timetable clearly stating it was Friday.

Pissed orf............
Sorry dude but don't get too down.

My aunty is battling cancer, can't seem to get rid of it. I know where your coming from though I've lost a few people now and it can become a really bad place.
Woke up in my new home to pretty cold temps, put the heat on for the first time and the fire alarms went off! Need that at 7 in the morning! Now whats the landlord's number!?

And sorry about the cancer. A few people I know are getting checked for that even now. Hope everything goes well and its not just you.

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