What Annoyed You Today?

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The gril at work who I really liked and was getting on really well with suddenly ignoring me then deciding she only wants 'to be friends'. So to clear my head I went on a random drive, only for my car to come to a halt in the middle of nowhere with a broken alternator. Nearly 2 hours later I get towed home and get in, only for one of the neighbourhood cats to follow me in and take residence on the 5th flight of stairs and refuse to budge. So I spent nearly half hour coaxing it out with some leftover KFC. I really shouldn't have got out of bed today
Just received my order from Squadron.com... This should be a good news, but let me explain with some numbers...

Total of the order : $21.61 USD
Shipping : $11.95 USD

$21.61 + $11.95 = $33.56 USD

I've ordered stuff from several states across the US (books from Maryland, decals from Florida and even video games from California). Everytimes I ordered something I never had to pay more for shipping than I already had paid when I ordered it.

Now, the post office billed me with an extra COD of $7.26 CND (parity with US dollar, so it's $7.26 USD). I asked the lady at the post office if it was due to the time it spent at the border for clearence. She answered no, but it could be for shipping from Mississauga (Ontario) to my home.

$33.56 + $7.26 = $40.82 USD

I've contacted both Canada Post and Squadron.com. Canada Post haven't answered yet, but Squadron.com e-mailed me that it wasn't their fault because I already had paid $11.95 USD for shipping when I ordered it.

Now, I hope Canada Post has a good reason for billing me an extra shipping cost, or I won't order anything from Texas again !
Woke up to a puddle of Oil under the truck. Headed to work, got stuck waiting for a Train to go by. Then to top it off got pulled over and received a traffic ticket by one of Minnesota's Finest!!! Now just hoping the Big Boss Man doesn't call me into his office for being 30 minutes late and in a bad temperment!!!
No beer in the fridge for later either!!!!
Snow ? Already ? You must be pretty up north, then.

On my side, I haven't seen snow in October since... since... since early in the 90s.

No actually I live in Bavaria. That is not very far north. We just get a lot of snow here in Bavaria normally.

In Germany the southern areas actually get more snow than the northern areas because of the elevation. The Alps....
dumb-butt asst. administrators who do not know how to say yes or no. :)
of course, i already knew the answer.

Woke up to tornadoes hitting P'cola, one just touched down just a few miles SW of our house, and was moving NE. The projected path on the news was going to take it past us - thank God it broke up. I have 2 weeks left in Pensacola and all the sudden it's Tornado Alley.
Left eyeball has been twitching like crazy for the last hour!!!! And I only had three pints of Guinness last night. Glad I didn't drink more, or maybe I should have had more?
Two things.....

Just sent myself a f**king spam email! :evil:
And try to download the latest adobe flash player 9 without hassle! All I get trying to watch videos on YouTube is "Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Adobe's Flash Player. Get the latest Flash player." :evil:

Solutions laddies??:(
Can't help ya lucky13 sorry mate.

My prob is a minor one but annoying enough.

I have a backing track that cuts in too early. Final performance is in 2 days. My audio editing programs keep changing the overall play back speed, argh tis crap!
Media's fascination with Hillary Clinton. Last night it was some moron touting voting for her just because she would be the first Female President. Starting to think we need to start taking an IQ test before being able to vote in this country. Don't care if you vote for a Democrat, Republican, or other, but at least inform yourself for Gods sake.
Gad's I can't wait for this next election to be over!!!

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