What Annoyed You Today?

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Damm graphics teacher apparently lost some of my work so looks like il be failing 5 credits all because of him

If he can't find it tonight I'm gonna lose it with him

I'm bloody sick of teachers making me fail
Waas awoken in the middle of the night to throbbing foot pain. Achilles acted up during the night and kept me awake much of the morning. Hobbling around again on a bad ankle/Achilles. Pain is getting to the point of being unbearable, and just in time for my mini vacation at the end of the week.
Looks like I'll be shopping for that new Chainsaw after all (if the Doc wont\'t amputate, I will)!!!
I can really sympathise Buck'. That sort of pain really does my head in, especially at night, when the lack of sleep drags you down and makes it all the worse.
Daniel, if your teacher has lost some of your work that counts towards marks, make an official complaint to the department or school head, via your folks if neccessary. That sort of thing should NOT happen, especially as it could jeopardize someones' future. Teachers hold a position of responsibility; if this person has lost work, then he/she is not, in my opinion, living up to that responsibility, and questions should be asked. What sort of attitude is that? 'Oh, I've lost Daniels' work, I'll just mark him down'! B******s!
Waas awoken in the middle of the night to throbbing foot pain. Achilles acted up during the night and kept me awake much of the morning. Hobbling around again on a bad ankle/Achilles. Pain is getting to the point of being unbearable, and just in time for my mini vacation at the end of the week.
Looks like I'll be shopping for that new Chainsaw after all (if the Doc wont\'t amputate, I will)!!!

I know How you feel mate. I get that about 2 times a week at least. I had reconstruction in my foot and I do not have some muscles in the foot due to deformity in the foot and I must walk to work about 5 days a week out of the 7 days of the week. It also drives me nuts and today was my day of getting my weekly dose of pain in my ankle.

Over slept for work. I hate mondays.
I can really sympathise Buck'. That sort of pain really does my head in, especially at night, when the lack of sleep drags you down and makes it all the worse.
Daniel, if your teacher has lost some of your work that counts towards marks, make an official complaint to the department or school head, via your folks if neccessary. That sort of thing should NOT happen, especially as it could jeopardize someones' future. Teachers hold a position of responsibility; if this person has lost work, then he/she is not, in my opinion, living up to that responsibility, and questions should be asked. What sort of attitude is that? 'Oh, I've lost Daniels' work, I'll just mark him down'! B******s!

Thanks for your concern Terry

Today he didn't want to admit that he lost it he wanted to believe I lost it,which basically couldn't of happened because I keep my work at school.So I said to him how many credits am I going to fail because you lost my work he replied saying possibly none but theres now a bigger chance that I will

Was so angry ,:evil: :evil: :evil:
agreed mate, he sounds like a real ****.

Today at work me and my workmate went to cut some steel on the guillotine, he let go of the of the plate on the bed, but I still had a hold of it and it slid and took big chunks of flesh out of fingers. Below are the pics of my fingers. (if pics are too graphic, mods please feel free to remove them)

Il say looks/sounds bloody painful!

thanks for the concern screaming and Vassili Zaitzev

Hope its not to bad man ,how long will ya be off work?
Ouch, fingers tend to bleed for a long time too. Hope they heal up well SE.

Off to the Doctor this AM for the bad Achilles. Next step, or at least what we discussed last was Cortisone shots in the ankle/Achilles. Hopefully that stops the problem as the next step is to go under the knife and I can't afford the time off, and have had my share of Surgeries in my liftime and don't want another.
Couldn't even stand in line long enought to vote this morning. Will have to go back later when the lines are shorter? If not I'll have to bring a folding chair and sit down as I wait.
Glad to hear your fingers are O.K., Eagle.
Buck', I really feel for you. I had some of those injections in one knee and a shoulder about a year ago, they worked quite well, and gave a lot of relief. Hopefully, they'll do the same for you. Good luck, Terry.
Ouch, Karl! That hurt I bet, I know it did when I got my Jeep back. Instead of about £200, including the M.o.T., it ended up just over £750 ! I'm still hurting and swearing, the car's only valued now at about £1,000 !
Still, once it's paid, it's paid, and we'll both have to hope nothing else needs sorting for awhile!!!

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