What Annoyed You Today?

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Two sore feet today!!! Was bad enough when I was only having troubles with one foot, but now they are both actigin up.
being tailgated by a chick drinking her coffee, or whatever she drinks, while she drives and folding her damn clothes. I kid you not she was actually folding them while driving. I live in California, US and I thought I had seen it all but damn, that one even surprised me.
Both my cars are now broken. The slave cylinder has gone on the MX5; an easy fix but won't be able to get the parts until Tuesday. Also means I couldn't work tonight so have lost money, and if it doesn't get moved by 10am Monday I'll get a ticket. Also, I managed to spill a glass of milk all over my dinner and the floor. Should've stayed in bed!
Both my cars are now broken. The slave cylinder has gone on the MX5; an easy fix but won't be able to get the parts until Tuesday. Also means I couldn't work tonight so have lost money, and if it doesn't get moved by 10am Monday I'll get a ticket. Also, I managed to spill a glass of milk all over my dinner and the floor. Should've stayed in bed!

Sh#t, sorry to hear that, hope the bill's not too high Creep.
Some guy and his girlfriend came into the Sauna this evening and smelled of cigarette smoke so bad that it stunk up the whole Sauna.

Do not take me wrong, I have nothing against smoking. But if you smoke so much that it stinks of aromatic sauna, you have issues.

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