What Annoyed You Today?

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Best of Luck Erich

Today I saw a guy drunk with a what looked like his 3 year old daughter on his shoulders on the side of the road

anyone got a spare gun laying around?
My brother's 1/32 Bf 109 G-14 came in, a month after it was ordered, and mine STILL isn't in. And I forgot to put the poly cap in the engine of my Corsair that allows the propeller to spin, and the engine and cowling's already mounted on the fuselage, so can't put it in now. I did it on the first one I built, you'd think I'd remember to do it the third time around.
Early evening. Have to drive my oldest boy 2.5hrs south for a soccer game. Love to watch my oldest play, but will miss my youngest play his most capable nemesis in his soccer division here locally. Leave at 0800. Return about 1700. Ugh.

Today me and my 2 mates went to try and start our new bush basher. So we are towing it along to try and roll start it, my mate in the ute and me and my other mate in the car. As we are getting towed along a corner, we tried a handbrake drift and the rope slid to the drivers side of the car with the car sliding to left it was going great for all of 1.5 seconds untill suddenly the car rolled onto my side. Since this has been modified the car had no doors or or roof but we did have a roll bar. Anyways we rolled onto my side and Im getting dragged by the car all the while I'm yelling ****ING STOP!!! to my mate in the ute. He finally stopped and I was out of there quick fast. So I know have a big graze on my leg and foot and arm which is really really hurting at the moment but its all good considering what happened. So thats now 2 crashes I have been in all of 6 months!
My Dora will be three more weeks AT LEAST. The timeline they give you is never accurate. Plus, with the dollar dropping and with plastic prices going up, my brother's Bf 190 was $75!!! We expected $60. I'm not looking forward to seeing the price of my Dora. I won't be building many 1/32s anymore.
Drove 6hrs to-and-fro to watch my son play. While he personally had an awesome game they lost 2-0. That made for a long drive home.

Feel like @ss and just want to go to bed.
Weekend is over!! Every muscle in my body aches from too much hiking and hill climbing over the weekend. Sleeping on a camp cot all weekend didn't help matters either.
still on cancer meds this week, thanks guys for the encouragement the last days...........still feel like an old dried up turd laying the the yard - no energies

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